Healthia’s Clinical Advisory Committees (CAC) are independent committees dedicated to helping uphold and monitor standards in clinical care and clinical governance. The CACs provide oversight on matters relating to quality of care and continuous improvement to systems and practices to minimise risks and foster an environment of excellence in care for our clients. Members of these committees are elected from within our senior clinic team to ensure independence from the board of directors and senior management. Each committee also has at least one external member from a key industry stakeholder.
To support our staff achieve their goals, we provide industry leading in-house education for all professional and administrative staff. For our new and recent graduates, we provide a structured graduate year consisting of facilitated learning modules, experienced mentors and the latest technology and research to ensure the very best care for our clients. In addition, our professional development program provides the foundation for career progression within the organisation and career specialisation and clinic ownership opportunities.
Healthia strives for excellence in the delivery of clinical care for our clients and their local communities. We foster a culture of continuous improvement to help ensure we are providing high quality, evidence-informed clinical care and support for all.
We are committed to providing diverse, relevant and accessible continuing professional development opportunities that cater for the different interests of our clinicians and business support team across the different stages of their careers.